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Version: iOS SDK 4.0.0

Integration Guide

Files in iOS SDK

If you're using the library/Cocoapods:

  • HandpointAll.h: #import this header file into your classes.
  • libheft.a: The SDK library.

If you're using the framework/Carthage:

  • HandpointSDK.h: #import this header file into your classes.
  • HandpointSDK.framework: The SDK library.

The SDK also includes a simulator, a library configured to simulate a card reader - intended for early development of an user interface. To use it, just link the libheft.a file in the HeftSimulatorLibrary folder, instead of the actual SDK library.

Development settings for the SDK

  • Dependencies:The Heft library depends on the ExternalAccessory and libc++.dylib frameworks included with the iOS SDK. These frameworks and the libheft.a SDK library itself need to be linked to your project for the Handpoint interface to work properly.

  • Communication protocol: Your application needs to support the card reader communication protocol. For this reason, the com.datecs.pinpad string needs to be added to the Supported external accessory protocols in the .plist file:

  • Background mode support: Your application needs to support connection to external devices when in the background. For this reason, in the "Capabilities" section of the project settings, the Background Modes profile needs to be ON, and the External accessory communication option must be checked. This is equivalent to adding the following entry in the .plist file:
  • C++ linker flag: A part of the library is written in c++ therefore the -lc++ linker flag needs to be set. Add it under "Other Linker Flags" under the "Linking" section of your projects settings "Build Settings" tab.
  • Other settings: To prevent the warning: "file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7s)", set Build Active Architecture Only to YES.

Usage summary

Any application using the Handpoint SDK should follow these steps:

  1. Define a class that implements the HeftDiscoveryDelegate protocol. This class defines the behavior of the app when discovery related events are received from the SDK.
  2. Define a class that implements the HeftStatusReportDelegate protocol (it can be the same as above). This class defines the behavior of the app when connection and transaction related events are received from the SDK
  3. Get a reference to the HeftManager singleton and assign your HeftDiscoveryDelegate instance as delegate.
  4. If device is available through BT connection, start the discovery process by calling the startDiscovery function of the HeftManager and recover a list of the discovered devices by calling the connectedCardReaders function of the HeftManager.
  5. If device is using a Lightning connector (HiPro devices), recover the device by directly calling the connectedCardReaders function of the HeftManager.
  6. Connect to a device by calling the clientForDevice function of the HeftManager.
  7. If connection is successful, the didConnect function of the HeftStatusReportDelegate instance will be invoked.
  8. From this point, make transactions and have fun!

Usage details

  1. Define a class that implements the HeftDiscoveryDelegate protocol. This class will define the behavior of the application when discovery related events are received from the SDK.
    @interface MyDiscoveryDelegate () <HeftDiscoveryDelegate>
@implementation MyDiscoveryDelegate
  1. Define a class that implements the HeftStatusReportDelegate protocol (it can be the same as above). This class will define the behavior of the application when connection and transaction related events are received from the SDK.
    @interface MyStatusReportDelegate () <HeftStatusReportDelegate>
@implementation MyStatusReportDelegate
  1. Get a reference to the HeftManager singleton in SDK by calling the sharedManager class method. Assign your HeftDiscoveryDelegate instance as delegate of the manager.
    MyDiscoveryDelegate* myDiscoveryDelegate = [[alloc MyDiscoveryDelegate] init];
HeftManager* manager = [HeftManager sharedManager];
manager.delegate = myDiscoveryDelegate;
  1. If device is available through BT connection, start the discovery process by calling the startDiscovery function of the HeftManager.
    [manager startDiscovery];

When a device is selected by the user in the “Select device” popup window, the didFindAccessoryDevice function of the HeftDiscoveryDelegate is invoked.

    - (void)didFindAccessoryDevice:(HeftRemoteDevice*)newDevice
NSLog(@"Found new device");
//Connect to found device or store it for later

When the discovery process is finished, the didDiscoverFinished function of the HeftDiscoveryDelegate instance will be invoked. Recover a list of all the discovered devices by calling the connectedCardReaders function of the HeftManager.

    - (void)didDiscoverFinished
NSMutableDictionary *discoveredDevices = [self.manager connectedCardReaders];
  1. If device is using a Lightning connection (HiPro devices), skip the previous step and recover the device by directly calling the connectedCardReaders function of the HeftManager.
HeftRemoteDevice *lightningDevice = [[self.manager connectedCardReaders] firstObject];
  1. Connect to a device by calling the clientForDevice function of the HeftManager.
  • Expected parameters of this function are:

    • A discovered device (HeftRemoteDevice object).

    • A shared secret. The shared secret is a unique identifier. It is a used to link a merchant with his readers. Each one of your merchants will be assigned a different shared secret so it needs to be a configurable value in your application or backend. If you received a development kit with a card reader, our support team probably sent you a shared secret via email already.

    • A HeftStatusReportDelegate instance, which will be notified of all the events related with the device.

    // Declare the shared secret (below SS is an example, please put the one sent by our support team)
NSString *sharedSecret =@"0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132";
// Connect to reader
[manager clientForDevice:device
  1. If connection is successful, the didConnect function of the HeftStatusReportDelegate instance will be invoked. Function receives as parameter a HeftClient object, whose reference must be stored since it is the communication bridge to the device we have connected to.
    - (void)didConnect:(id <HeftClient>)client
self.heftClient = client;
  1. Once connected to the card reader, transactions can be started through the HeftClient object. For example, the next code starts a sale of 100 GBP:
[self.heftClient saleWithAmount:100 currency:@"GBP" cardholder:YES];
  1. When a transaction has been initiated (f.ex saleWithAmount), the HeftClient alerts the HeftStatusReportDelegate object by invoking responseStatus during the process and responceFinanceStatus when the process has finished.
    - (void)responseStatus:(id<ResponseInfo>)info

- (void)responseFinanceStatus:(id<FinanceResponseInfo>)info
  1. In case you are using the SDK simulator, the behavior changes according to the amount of the transaction:
1000Declined transaction
2000User Cancelled
3000Signature Requested
Other amountApproved transaction